Calendar Boy
Hellooooo Winter here, and boy am I glad it is finally January!
Not because I’m a bah humbug sort of piggy who doesn’t like Christmas, but because I’m the sort of piggy who is fed up to the back teeth (and I have a lot) with Hilton going on about being the December piggy on the rescue calendar!
Every time a new arrival came to stay for a holiday, Hilton pointed out that he was on the calendar for the whole month and they should take a look at it; every time we woke up, in a morning, after a nap, whenever he felt the need to remind us all that he was on the calendar. As if we had the chance to forget, and I tried, I really did!
Anyway, it’s January now and there is a new piggy on the calendar called Henry, and I must say he’s just as handsome as our Hilton is, although Hilton obviously doesn’t agree!
If you have no idea what I’m moaning on about because you missed getting a calendar in your stocking, then please make sure you order one ready for next year from Gertie’s Lonely Guinea Pig Rescue.
You’ll find a beautiful photograph of different piggies each month, so it’s well worth it!
Bye for now,
Winter x