Going to the vets!
Wowee! What an exciting few days I’ve had!
First day I went off in a taxi, no less, to the vets. She’s a lovely lady, prodding in all the right places, but very gentle with it. She admired my skin tag for a long time, so much so that I thought she wanted one for herself!
I was sent home with everything still intact, unlike my last visit but we went back the following morning bright and early in another taxi! I stayed all day and had a huge nap, ate all my packed lunch and waited around for my forever mummy to pick me up. It was while I was waiting that I noticed my skin tag had gone, no sign of it at all
The vet must have taken it while I was asleep! I knew she liked the look of it, but it’s really not on, she didn’t even ask me!
My forever mummy seems very pleased that the vet has stolen my skin tag, so nothing was done about it…I have to go for another appontment in a few days time, but I’m really not keen on going, unless I go in a posh taxi again, then I won’t mind