Gone home!

Glorious sunshine here again today so lots of grass eating for us piggies ๐Ÿ˜€

Phoebe, Rosie and Ruby have gone home now, but they are delightful little piggies and Poppy is so looking forward to them coming back…I think she enjoyed all the piggy gossip!

April, Bramble and Crumpet have returned home after a lovely relaxing weekend break, they’ve remembered to take their friend Ralphie home with them too ๐Ÿ™‚

Snuggles and Nibbles have been on holiday and returned home too. They are a sweet pair of piggies and once they settled in, they became very confident at meal times ๐Ÿ™‚

Harry also known as ‘Handsome Harry’ has returned home too…and not soon enough in my opinion…he wasn’t actually THAT handsome, if anything he looked a little old to me with all that grey hair! I’m not sure what all the sows saw in him to be honest – I asked Poppy and her eyes just glazed over and she sighed, so she wasn’t much help!

Lots of pamper packages were done over the last few weeks too. I really don’t know how I keep up with all this activity, but I do, therefore I’m obviously not as old as some grey haired piggies ๐Ÿ˜›

Nosey's Signature

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