More fun!
What a great weekend I’ve had!
Jasmine and Squeaky came to stay again and brought along a few new friends called Hamlet, Wilma and Betty. Wilma and Betty are adorable balls of fuzz and Hamlet has the funkiest hairstyle I’ve ever seen on a pig!
My foster mummy decided the hutch just wasn’t going to be big enough for them all, because they didn’t use the ladder to go upstairs, so she made them a makeshift C & C cage by opening the doors of the hutch and attaching a run to the outside and let them roam around on a fleece. This meant I had a perfect view of them all day as they were directly under me and I got to thinking if Hamlet could have a harem of sows then maybe I could too but then I turned around and saw Poppy and decided that one sow was enough for me to handle 😛