Piggy Holidays – part two
Fudge and Smudge are here for a holiday and a pampering too. They get on really well together and eat all their vegetables, ReadiGrass and their hay rolls!
The girls are back, Mungo,Polga, Betty, Wilma and Squeaky. They are all behaving well, no arguing (they are in the piggy palace though), and they are eating all their food up to maintain their glorious piggy posteriors!
Tom and Jerry have been here for a while now, enjoying hay rolls, hay boxes, ReadiGrass and lots and lots of cuddles!
Tommy and Tim are back! They are a handsome pairing indeed, with beautiful colourings…they would match Poppy and I quite well! They enjoy chewing up their hay rolls and keeping the grass very short.
Pippa and Acorn have settled in well and are having loads of fun in the outdoor runs. They like to stay out late, but we have strict rules here, every piggy has to be in for tea time đŸ˜€
Toby, Rosie and Nibbles are back for a long summer holiday. They are settling in well, enjoying their food and playtimes.
Charlie and Lola are a pretty pair of sows, they like to eat their vegetables and sit in their pigloos. I haven’t got around to having a squeak with them yet to find out more but I will do soon.
It’s been lovely having so many piggy buddies to squeak with đŸ˜€