Rain, rain and more rain!
Indoor play yesterday, today and probably tomorrow; even if the rain stops the grass runs will be squelching, we may even drown in knee high water, who knows… 😯
On the plus side we have been getting extra hay and readi grass so that we don’t get too hungry…I don’t think my forever Grandma realises that piggies are ALWAYS hungry 😛
Poppy and I have been moved into a 4ft cage with lots and lots of hay, to make room for Wilma, Betty, Mungo, Polga and Squeaky, who wish to be in the Piggy Palace on their holidays next week. I don’t mind because it means I’m closer to Elmo so it’ll be easier to squeak and squeal with him during the night!
Elmo has cheered up a lot and is recovering from the vets. He’s off one of his medications now and yesterday he was whizzing around the run, there’s no stopping him now 🙂