Archive for the 'Blog ' Category

Upside down season!

Bernard and Edmund have gone home a lot lighter than when they came due to the masses of hair they left behind 😀 Comet and Blitzen and Lady Rose and Jeremy have been very lucky with the weather, considering it’s...


Boring boars!

Bernard and Edmund are back for their holidays. Bernard’s as fluffy as ever and needs another haircut and they are both wheeking away to me about their journey here this morning 🙂 Comet and Blitzen are back for their holidays...


Jealous? No…well, not much!

We didn’t get a new play pen, much to Poppy’s dissapointment! We didn’t get anything! We’ve been thoroughly over looked that’s for sure! Blackie and Pip on the other hand have got a fabulous new 5ft area to spend the...


Measuring up!

Magpie and Toffee have gone home after having a pamper package…Poppy said they looked very handsome and asked if they could stay 😯 Ive learnt lots from them including how to look incredibly cute when waiting for my breakfast! And...


Winter is on it’s way!

At last all the sows have gone home and the guinea pig house is as it should be, over run with boars, except for my Poppy of course! 😎 The weather is getting a bit damp now, so the outdoor...


Lazy days in hazy sunshine!

I’m loving this weather! It is lovely and sunny but it’s a cool sunny, if that makes sense, with a slight breeze, just enough to keep me cool as I munch my way through the grass – because it’s very...


The Summer is fading…

The Summer rush is over now and our days are taking on a more relaxed approach, although we still have guests arriving, it’s not in the frenzy of Summer, a much more laid back approach I feel 🙂 Carrie and...


Sunshine and showers!

I’m getting a little confused with the seasons around here! One day it is cold and damp and we have to have indoor play and then the next it is blazing hot sunshine and we are shade-bathing! I don’t mind...


More arrivals!

Ginge and Tubbs are back for their hols and a little pampering too! They said they didn’t actually want to be pampered but it’s their owners idea so they have to go along with it…I think they are secretly enjoying...


Old friends

Pip and Pepper came inside for a play yesterday so I managed to get a chance to wheek and squeak with them 🙂 I think they are very, very brave for living outside without a boar to look after them,...