Archive for the 'Blog ' Category


The sun is shining, so out door play has resumed and Grandma is going mad with the camera again, so look out for more photo’s of grass, in your piggies gallery over the next few days 😛 I’m off to...



I thought I’d like living with a lot of sows. I’ve often looked on in jealously at Wesley and Hamlet and their harem’s of piggies, but not any more. I’m more than happy with just my Poppy, my ONE piggy...


All about sows

I still haven’t managed to get outside at night time and have a squeak to Pip and Pepper, but I saw them during indoor play and they said they were loving being outside…even in the dark! Phoebe, Rosie and Ruby...


More comings and goings!

Jeremy & Lady Rose and Comet & Blitzen have arrived for a weekend break. Every piggy was told to be on their best behaviour for Lady Rose’s arrival; I feel it went smoothly because I bribed them all with green...


Piggy Holidays -part one

Sadly, Gingersnap and Cupcake, Cocoa and Willow, Scampi and Mushroom, Speedy and Nibbles, Elmo, Smokey and Valentino, Frankie, Benny and Barney, Kirstie and Poppy and Apple and Pears have all gone home after their Summer holidays, but it did make...


Piggy Holidays – part two

Fudge and Smudge are here for a holiday and a pampering too. They get on really well together and eat all their vegetables, ReadiGrass and their hay rolls! The girls are back, Mungo,Polga, Betty, Wilma and Squeaky. They are all...


Piggies here, piggies there, piggies everywhere!!

My, oh my, we are over run with piggies in my opinion…I can’t hear myself think, let alone hear myself talking to the piggies! We have some very noisy squeakers and wheekers in at the minute, but my forvever mummy...


More and more arrivals!

Lots of arrivals today and yesterday – making me quite dizzy fitting them all in, so Ive decided to delegate! Poppy has the main job of welcoming new arrivals and showing them to their quarters and giving them a printout...


Comings and Goings!

Spike, Luna, Patch and Custard arrived a few days ago for their holidays. They are a friendly group and just love to laze around and eat…I get on with them very well 🙂 Fudge and Coco are back! They get...


Tender Loving Care

Hector and Fifi have returned for their hols. Hector is looking as slim and fit as ever, but Fifi has been poorly recently so is in need of some TLC, but she is looking good and eating well and her...