Archive for the 'Blog ' Category

Sun at last!

See a bit of a moan goes a long way…it was lovely and sunny yesterday afternoon and we all got out on the grass…heavenly! Patch, Mo and Izzy came for pamper packages so they kept my forever mummy busy all...


Rain,rain, all the way!

The title says it all really, nothing but rain for days now- so much so that I didn’t realise it was June, I thought it was April with all the showers! June is supposed to be a part of summer,...


Sad goodbye’s and happy hello’s

Poppy and I are back in the piggy palace, as Betty, Wilma, Polga, Mungo and Squeaky have now gone home. They were the perfect holiday guests, because they wheeked alot, ate lots of food and nibbled the grass, so Grandma...


Rain, rain and more rain!

Indoor play yesterday, today and probably tomorrow; even if the rain stops the grass runs will be squelching, we may even drown in knee high water, who knows… 😯 On the plus side we have been getting extra hay and...


News round up!

Yay! Fudge and Coco have returned for more holidays 🙂 They are a beautiful pair of sows with lots and lots of energy…Poppy and I just can’t keep up with them! Molly is just like them too, rushing here, rushing...


New arrivals

Wowza! You have to get a load of Elmo’s hair, it is fantastic! I really wish I could grow a beard and sideburns like that, it is fab-u-lous! Sadly, Elmo is in for a pamper package, so that means getting...


Gorgeous Piggies!

As much as I hate to say it, I do think Grandma was right in what she said, because the guinea pig house smells divine! Spencer and Gertie have had their baths and are looking gooood! Hudspith is a bit...


Lovely smelling piggies!

Buttercup, Georgie and Daisy have been up graded to the ‘piggy palace’…I don’t really mind, but when I’d been to the vets, I had to live in a 4ft cage all by myself, just saying… Buttercup is doing well. She...


Taking chances?

Patch and Smudge have been staying with us for a holiday, remember them? Patch is the one without the patch and Smudge is the one with the patch… I was totally confused last time but I think I’ve got it...


Rushing here, rushing there!

Dear, oh dear, poor Buttercup has had to go to not one, but two vets…that is really bad luck because when I went to the vets, they took away some of my bits and I still haven’t had them back...