Archive for the 'Blog ' Category

Another day, another piggy to meet.

I’ve met two more new piggies this week! They are called Marley and Dylan and they came for a weekend break along with Coco and Holly (Coco and Holly’s forever mummy is fostering Marley and Dylan at the moment from...


Pamper Packages

Well, it’s been a little bit busy around here lately, which I love 🙂 The beautiful Rosie and Daisy came for a short holiday and had a pamper package too and boy did they look beautiful afterwards 😀 Dolly came...


Frankie and Benny!

A beautiful pair of long haired piggies came for a weeks holiday, called Frankie and Benny. Frankie was very bold on arrival and sniffed around everywhere and ventured out to play pretty quickly but Benny preferred to stay hidden for...


More pampering!

Patch and Smudge came back for a long holiday with baths and nail trims thrown in, so they went away looking even cuter than when they arrived, if that were possible! Toffee and Magpie came for nail trims; they have...


More visitors!

Comet and Bltzen and Jeremy have been for a short stay. Jeremy had lots of cuddles because Jeremiah has gone over the rainbow bridge into piggy heaven so I guess Jeremy must have been a bit lonely, but I think...



I had a lovely time over Christmas with old friends and new ones. Unfortunately Grandma’s camera broke so not many pictures were taken but I didn’t mind that because I was too busy squealing and squeaking with all the piggies....


Merry Christmas!

Well, the guinea pig house is full to busting with piggies once again, old friends as well as new ones and I’m having a whale of a time catching up on all the gossip and getting to know them all....


Christmas time is upon us!

I’ve been having a really fabulous time with our latest piggies. Midge, Midnight and Beauty arrived first but unfortunately they’ve gone home now but they were such fun! They needed to have extra spinach after breakfast because that’s what they...


Bouncing fun!

We’ve had lots of fun last week with the arrival of Snowy and Boris. They didn’t say much but then again they didn’t stay in one place long enough to have a squeak too anyway. They had to have an...


Peaceful once again

All the piggies have returned home now so the guinea pig house is fairly quiet once again. There has been a few pamper packages getting done over the past week though, so that has livened things up a bit for...