Archive for the 'Blog ' Category

C&C cages3

Well what a busy few weeks we’ve had around here I can tell you. Poppy and I Ihave been moved into the guinea pig house when the weather warmed up, then back into the big house when all the noise...


Spa Weekend!

Oh my word! Lots of piggies came for a spa weekend, I had no idea what that was but when I found out I ran a mile I can tell you! Poppy was rather interested though and stayed around to...



Have I mentioned Boris? He’s our latest piggy boarding from NEGPR. When my forever mummy collected him, he had cuts on his rump and had been bullied by lots of other animals, so much so that he was very timid...


Busy Easter holidays!

We’ve been really, really busy here over the past few weeks with lots of piggies coming and going; it’s been lovely having them all to squeak to 😀 Coco, Holly and Ben came for a short weekend break. They were...


Sun, sun, sun !

We spent a lovely Easter day outside in the grass run, it made a lovely change to be outside in the sunshine 😀 I ate and ate my fill of grass, but Poppy didn’t even stand on it, she hid...


Hey hay!

We’ve had a new delivery of hay today, lots and lots of hay to snuggle into that’s what I like 😀 I think Poppy likes it a lot too because I can never get her to move out of the...


More fun!

Wowee! What a great weekend I’ve had! Jasmine and Squeaky came to stay again and brought along a few new friends called Hamlet, Wilma and Betty. Wilma and Betty are adorable balls of fuzz and Hamlet has the funkiest hairstyle...


Very Excited!

It’s very exciting times here at the moment with lots of activity too. There’s lots of physical building work going on, not by me…I’m just supervising, naturally 😀 There’s lots of website changes too, a little has been done to the...


Lots of talking going on…

One of the good things about living in the big house over winter is that I get to hear all the conversations that are happening! Just lately they’ve been on about sprucing up the guinea pig house, taking Domino the...


Three’s a crowd!

We’ve had company in our new room which has been an added bonus. Esme and Pepper have been to stay for a whole week, the first boarders of 2013. Esme had a remarkable resemblance to Poppy and she even sat...