Archive for the 'Blog ' Category

Noisy piggies!

After a few days rest it was all go again here for the September rush of piggies, and what a loud bunch they’ve been so far!!! We’ve had some really noisy squeakers and wheekers,  mentioning no names, but  they were...


Hello Autumn!

Summer is definitely over, as all the summer holiday piggies have gone home and the weather has got a little colder and wetter 🙁 My forever mummy received some lovely thank you gifts and chocolates from the summer piggies, BUT...


New website!

Well, after many, many weeks without a computer due to my forever mummy using it to complete the new website, I’m very pleased to say…I’m backkkkk! Such a lot has been happening around here, we’ve been inundated with pamper packages...


July already!

June is over and done with and what a busy June it was! Obviously the most important event was my trip to the vets, but we also had lots of holiday boarders too. It was lovely to see old friends...


All change

We’ve had a very busy few days with everyone going home from their holidays. Poppy and I had to move into the top cage to allow us to supervise the going’s on properly! The cabins have been cleaned and are...


All good fun!

I’ve had a fabulous week getting all the attention due to my visit to the vets. I was the first to be fed, first for cuddles, extra bit of parsley, the list goes on, so I’d recommend a vet visit...


Going to the vets!

Wowee! What an exciting few days I’ve had!  First day I went off in a taxi, no less, to the vets. She’s a lovely lady, prodding in all the right places, but very gentle with it. She admired my skin...


May madness!

Woohoo! Ive finally got MY laptop back from my forever mummy…hers broke, so she took mine to work on the new website! I must come up with a better hiding place for it, but it’s so big and there’s not...


Hay delivery day!

Love, love, love hay delivery day because my forever mummy always orders way too soon so that we don’t run out which means we get an extra top up to help empty the bag; the bag was nearly half full...


She got me!

There I was just minding my own business, snoozing in the hay with my gorgeous Poppy, when my forever mummy swooped  down and took me up; before I could protest, she was trimming my nails, next it was bathtime! Now...