Archive for the 'Blog ' Category

Easter Sunshine!

We’ve all had a lovely lazy Easter, with lots and lots of fresh grass as the sun kept shining all weekend. Some piggies have now gone home but more are arriving tomorrow or the next day, so I’ll still have...


Happy Easter!

Most of our holiday boarders are now here and settling in well. Herman arrived first, he’s enjoyed sitting in his cage watching everyone arrive today. Then Giggles and Brian arrived, they are an elderly couple of piggies, but still have...


It’s Easter!!

Easter holidays have snuck up on us here in the guinea pig house. One minute we’re lazing around in the hay and the next minute boarders have arrived, settled in and playing up for food each time the fridge door...


Grass Time!!

We’ve had our first journey outside for this year. It was a lovely sunny day and the grass was just beautiful, so sweet and lovely and filling, although we weren’t allowed to eat too much of it as it would...


Old friends and new friends :)

Well, what a busy time of it we’re having…well I’m not, I continue to laze around in the hay and eat all day but my forever mummy is rushed off her feet! First of all Fenti and his entourage of...


Piggy friends :)

It’s been all go here just lately, lots of piggy friends have been to see me 😀 First up was Comet and Blitzen, and Lady Rose Blossom and Jeremy, closely followed by Dexter, Wilbur, Branston and Pickle. Pip, Holly and...


Been and gone!!

Frankie, Benny and Barney have been and gone. They came for a long weekend and a lot of pampering thrown into the mix too. They went home shorter haired and smelling lovely! Scampi and Mushroom have been and gone too!...


Half Term Holidays

Eric, Beauty and Midge arrived for their half term holiday yesterday. They’re all looking well and settled right into the hay 🙂 Jagger, Spike, Harry and Pip and Simon Squeak were next, then came Frankie, Benny and Barney. All piggies...


Pamper here, pamper there, pampering everywhere!

Jimmy and George arrived next with the most fabulous amount of hair I’ve ever seen! Their forever mummy wanted a pamper package though so it meant it had to go! Arthur and Spicy came a few hours later for an...


Clash of the carry cases :)

Oh my! What a busy February we are having here at the guinea pig house, I’m loving it! There’s been so many pamper packages getting done that I’ve been put to the back of the queue which is exactly where...